I am a qualified and insured Nordic walking instructor.
Trained in 2013 with Nordic Walking UK and have 10 years teaching experience,

here on the Isle of Wight and in Dorset.

My classes are fun, although I may give you a little prod along the way to get your heart rate going and there will also be plenty of gentle technique reminders to ensure you get the most out of the walk.



The benefits of Nordic Walking are amazing!

The poles encourage better posture and use many more upper body muscles than in ordinary walking. If done correctly it can use 90% of the body’s skeletal muscles. Poles provide lift to make walking easier,  less pressure on knee and hip joints.

It can be done at a level to suit all abilities. It can also be an intense all over body workout for the super fit, toning legs, buttocks, chest, shoulders and under arms.

Nordic walking burns 20% more calories than ordinary walking if done properly.

Classes will provide you with a cardiovascular workout, makes the 
heart stronger and you will soon feel much fitter,  everyday tasks will become easier.

The benefits to your mental health are so good
Its great to get outside and exercise whatever the weather. A walk in the sunshine or a walk in the rain can really lift your mood. Enjoy a laugh with the other walkers and take in the beauty of nature as we walk around the beautiful and interesting village of Bembridge.

Walking the Nordic way is not to be confused with trekking. It is a different technique and Trekking poles are different to Nordic Walking poles.

Nordic walking uses a very different technique compared to trekking 
and this can only be achieved with the correct instruction and poles.
I can advise you on what poles to use.
These can be bought online or hired at the class.

I cater for all abilities. Nordic Walking can be a great way to get fit in the outdoors or for helping you to recover after an illness or an operation.
Always get approval from your Doctor first.


There are a variety of poles suitable for Nordic Walking or trekking.
I do recommend you use Nordic Walking poles for Nordic walking.
What’s the difference?
Nordic poles feel more sporty and are generally lighter in weight.
The straps have a quick release system and the fitted straps enable you to get the maximum out of the technique.
This will become clearer after instruction.
Aluminium poles are cheaper but ideally choose poles with at lease 40% carbon for lightness, power and shock absorbancy.
Poles have a steel tip for muddy terrain covered by a removable rubber paw for hard ground.

FIXED poles cannot be adjusted, so ensure you buy the correct length for your height. These tend to be lighter and more suited to the sporty walker.
ADJUSTABLE poles are available in a twist lock or clip lock. Ideal if you are pole sharing or unsure of correct height.
FULLY ADJUSTABLE poles are ideal for the traveller. These can be adjusted in two places and will fit in a suitcase or will be easier to carry if stopping off at places along the way.

HANDLES tend to be in cork or plastic. Cork feels nicer and absorbs sweat.

STRAPS are fitted securely around the hand to enable you to push down and propel yourself forward. They have a quick release system so you don’t have to fiddle around taking the straps off if you need a drink etc. Very handy!

TREKKING POLES tend to be heavier and the strap is a loop rather then fitted. But you can still learn the basic Nordic technique which will certainly enhance your walking experience.

There is so much choice out there! This is just a quick guide to help you with the basics. I suggest trying Nordic walking before you buy. This will give you a better understanding of what it is all about.


Comfortable sports leggings and tops are ideal. Florescent top is always a good idea, especially if your route involves road walking.
Lightweight breathable water proofs.

GLOVES Running gloves are a good idea to prevent blisters if new to wearing the straps.

FOOTWEAR Trainers or comfortable flexible walking boots. Depending on terrain and weather conditions. No open toed sandals.

BAG Small backpack with comfortable straps. And/or a bumbag with easy access to phone and water.